Denver Golf Expo: Bigger, Badder and Back!


Golfers have pent up demand. Last year was a record for rounds played and equipment purchased. The Denver Golf Expo has had a two-year absence with the pandemic. The golf phoenix gets reborn and better with the 2022 version. Would it draw?

Start with the move from the Merchandise Mart to the Colorado Convention Center. The only downside is parking not free, but the upside is a massive space with great lighting and ventilation. Energy is way up. The fact winter weather was still here added to the amped up interest on the first day.

Start with the fact the vendors want to be there, so 120 booth is a sign of the health of golf after the absence. Attendees could get lessons, learn from seminars and see some of the latest gear. Nothing like grabbing a new driver while it is 23 degrees outside and imagining that 19 extra yards. A special kudo to Lenny’s Golf for stepping in and being the major shaker for the gear portion to be worthwhile.

Travel was well represented from around the U.S. from Florida to Hawaii. One of the more interesting courses represented is Black Mesa, halfway between Santa Fe and Taos. Meandering through the reservation, this non walkable course has everything imaginable in ups, downs and shot selection.

Related to golf is what you consume. You have everything from CBD to drinks suitable for the adult post-round stories. Scottish King’s Gin might change your mind about what is the best post-round beverage.

19,500 golfers are projected to attend this year’s event. If you want to be one of them, you can get more information and tickets at The Denver Golf Expo.